Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Eid Greetings
The Blog will be taking a few days off for Eid and will be continued on the 13th.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
PFLP calls for an end to the "calm" with the occupation and the creation of a united armed resistance front
PFLP calls for an end to the "calm" with the occupation and the creation of a united armed resistance front
The Front called for this resistance front to hold collective leadership to decide when, where and in what ways and forms to respond to the occupation and aggression and to not allow the involvement of the armed groups in internal Palestinian affairs, but rather to direct that attention to resisting the Israeli enemy.
The PFLP statement said further that this "calm," in the end, benefited the Israeli enemy, as crossings have remained even more tightly closed and the Israeli aggression against our people did not stop, and in fact killed and wounded dozens from the period from June 19, 2007 until now.
The statement said further that the calm should not be extended, and that instead, a policy of self-defense and continuing response to Israeli aggression is required.
In addition, Comrade Jamil Mizher, member of the Central Committee of the PFLP, confirmed in a televised interview with BBC Arabic that the Front opposes the continuation of the "calm," and that the occupation was the beneficiary of this calm. Comrade Mizher said, "The Zionist occupation is the beneficiary of the truce, which brought no good to the Palestinian people. The occupier continues to close the crossings, tighten the grip on the Gaza Strip, and create a prison that is a terrible threat to life and health. Palestinians are living under disastrous health and environmental conditions that are unprecedented and very serious at all levels."
Comrade Mizher called upon all resistance forces to reevaluate the "calm," saying that the alternative is an agreement among all resistance forces and factions to form a united resistance front to coordinate the armed resistance, build national unity and uphold the Palestinian cause.
Monday, December 8, 2008
The Iraqi Resistance gets stronger by the day!
The Jihad and Liberation High Command spokesman:
The Iraqi Resistance gets stronger by the day!
We are heading towards the decisive year against the US occupiers.
On the occasion of the first anniversary of Jihad and Liberation High Command, under the leadership of the Mujahideen Chief Izzat Ibrahim Al Duri, a team of journalists shared the life of the Iraqi Resistance combatants to find out about their heroic deeds against the US Occupying forces.. They met the Jihad and Liberation High Command spokesman, Dr. Kanaan Amin who ascertained that the Iraqi Resistance is heading towards the decisive year, and that victory is nearing. Said Dr. Kanaan: "The Resistance gets stronger and stronger, sheltered and nourished by the Iraqi people. Al Duri, thanks to the Lord, is in a perfect health and leads the Jihad.
This really irritates the enemy and rejoices our friends."
In some place, in one of the heroic Resistance battle fields which stretches all over the patriotic soil from the very north of Iraq to its very south.. a group of journalists who cares about conveying the truth, away from Media' lies and propaganda fabricated by the US and its servile tails to blackout and conceal the Iraqi people armed rejection for its forces all along these five and half last years.. was able to travel around more than one Resistance operational sector to get a precise idea about the Iraqi glorious Resistance deeds which made useless the third of the occupying forces, as the occupiers admitted themselves.
During this visit, the group of Journalists met Dr. Kanaan, the official spokesman of the Jihad and Liberation Supreme Command (JLSC), a year old formation to represent Iraq Resisting body, and which included since its inception 22 patriotic, national and Islamic factions. Since then the (JLSC), grew to include cover 33 combating factions established as Jihad armies, divisions and brigades. These factions are the back bone of the Iraqi Resistance under the leadership of the Chief of Mujahideen Mr. Izzat Ibrahim al Duri, the deputy president of the Revolution Council Command and the deputy general Commander of the Armed Forces for decades during the patriotic Iraqi regime before the occupation, led by the great Al Hadj martyr President Saddam Hussein, may the lord have mercy on him.
Dr. Kanaan, as we knew him, is a pure Iraqi personality, mixing professionalism in communicating with the others and various operations and combat deeds. He welcomed us with a shining smile of a man who believes in the cause of his people and its fatal victory against the occupiers-invaders.. He was holding in his hands a new video cassette that he appears to have just filmed, about the graduating of the new brigades of combatants who confronts the US enemy under the banner of (JLSC). The video cassette showed us an aircraft division during combat. When we watched the video we were absolutely stunned by the high professional combative level and the quality of the weapons the combatants developed by themselves. Dr. Kanaan, immediately brought us to reality and ascertained that what we saw, is nothing but a tiny portion and a drop in an ocean. Indeed, said Dr. Kanaan, the combatants you saw, have sprout from the pure people of Iraq. They are the real builders of the genuine patriotic Iraqi Army which shall liberate Iraq and will protect the borders of its nation. Thanks God, Who gives victory to the believers, we do have hundreds of thousands of combatants belonging to every kind of combat and they are the legitimate continuation of the Second Qadissya and the eternal Mother of All Battles' armies.
We asked Dr. Kanan the following questions.
Question: The public knows little about your Command and its formations, due to the blackout, the US tries hard to impose on the Media inside and outside Iraq.. Can you tell us about you?
Dr. Kanaan: About a year ago, many of the Iraqi Resistance factions acted according a method to hunt the occupier enemy, each in its own field, targeting the US enemy convoys, forces and infantry through IEDs, snipers and attacks. These factions were working under many names and were grouped by a coordination factor imposed by the nature of the resisting action and the area. The policies of these factions were based on the global popular resistance principle and on the initiative of every resistance deed. Consequently these main factions wanted to strengthen their actions to become more effective under a unified leadership with a staff Command, and a legal committee, which organizes and leads the tactical and the combat operations on every inch of the soil of Iraq, dividing Iraq into several geographical combat sectors, each directing the battle against the US invader-occupier-enemy, directly supervised by an elected leadership. Based on this, this effort was crowned through advise, dialogue and negotiations, with the formation of the Jihad and Liberation Supreme Command, which included, to start with 22 Jihadi patriotic and Islamic factions and where the chief of Mujahideen Mr. Izzat al Duri was unanimously elected as the supreme Commander of the Jihad and Liberation, because these factions believed deeply in his combat and Jihad legitimacy in Iraq's leadership and its Resistance and as a continuation of his blessed precessor the Martyr of the great Hajj, leader Saddam Hussein, may the Lord Have mercy upon his soul. Later on our formation grew wider last year to include 11 more of heroic combatants.
Question: Can you tell us about the first and the new factions which joined the High Command?
Dr. Kanaan: The Jihadi factions which joined the Supreme Command from its very inception beginning September 2007 are:
1- The Army of the Naqshabandi's Order.
2- The Army of the Prophet's companions.
3 - The Army of Murabiteen.
4 - Al Hamza Army.
5 - The RisalahArmy
6 - Ibn al Waleed' Army
7 - The Mujahedeen Unified Leadership (Iraq)
8- The Liberation Brigades.
9 - Al Farooq Army.
10 - The Army of the Liberation of Iraq.
11 - The Martyrs' Brigades.
12 - The Army of the Persevering.
13 - The Brigades of Jihad on the Soil of Mesopotamia.
14 - The Army of the Knight to liberate the autonomous region.
15 - The Jihad Brigades in Basra.
16 - The Falluja Jihadi Brigades.
17 - The Patriotic Popular Front for the Liberation of Iraq
18 - The Hussein Al Taff Brigades.
19 - The Liberation of the South Brigades.
20 - The Army of Henein.
21 - The Diyala Jihad and Liberation Brigades.
22 - The Brigades of Glory for the Liberation of Iraq.
This is how 22 patriotic, national and Islamic Resistance factions were formed based on a long term, global Jihad plan of action to destroy the invader occupier US enemy, to liberate the homeland from every kind of control, hegemony, exploitation and blackmail.
During the (JLSC)' first year, 11 Jihadi factions joined its ranks and now the High Command includes 33 factions of hard core combatants known for their chivalry, their love for their homeland, their resolve and their faith in their sacrosanct values. Besides, there are many other factions which have asked to join in and which will publicize later on after achieving the necessary requirements. The factions which joined the Command during the first year of its inception are the following:
1 - The Army of the Believers.
2 - The Army of May Revolutionaries.
3 - The Brigades of the Mountain Mast.
4 - The Army of the Al Mu'tazz Billah (Proud with the Lord)
5 - The Army of the Ten Messengers
6 - The Army of the Martyr 'Abir (Abir is an Iraqi child ferociously raped and killed with all the members of her family by a gang of US democratic army. The US criminals were tried in a monkey court and were sent o jail for few days only. This is the US, the land of law, democracy, order and institutions.. - (a translator's note)
7 - The Army of Al Harith.
8 - The Army of Al Muthanna.
9 - The Army of Bilal the Kushite (Bilal an Ethiopian was the first Christian convert to Islam and the first muezzin ever known for his sweet voice -(a translator's note)
10 - The Army of Those Clad with Glory.
11 - The Army of the Invincible.
Question: We are told that your formation has rather an Islamic and a secular Baathist character.. How is it possible to mix these contradictory doctrines?
Dr. Kanaan: Before answering your question, I would like to precise something very important.. There is no doctrinal contradictions in amongst all the factions which act under the banner of Jihad and Liberation Supreme Command. Yes! There are some factions with national, patriotic or Islamic characteristics but all believe deeply in the Islam principles and believe that the duty of liberating the homeland is an honor for every Iraqi whatever is his community, ethny or belonging. It is an important point that should be made clear for every one. Hence, I am telling you that the genuine Islamic faith characteristic doesn't contradict at all with the Baath national, patriotic or Islamic language. The mixture has absolutely no contradictory elements. It is rather a harmonious component which represent the Iraqi people from its extreme north to its extreme south.. for the factions include the sons and daughters of Iraq, be Arabs, Kurds, Shia, Sunnis, Muslims or Christians.. This is the fabric of Iraq as it always has been.. and which incarnates all the colors of the prism of Iraq. We consider that these factions with their deed, their word and speech, all express the will of our Iraqi people from Zakho to Basra and from Khaniqin to Rutba.
Question: All liberation movements all over the world, and throughout the human history, were backed, supported and helped by local, regional and international parties materially, and morally in a way or in an other.. You, who backs you,?
Dr. Kanaan: Our national heroic Resistance is unique in history! Indeed! Our Resistance is the only Resistance in the world which has no an international or a regional support, either material or moral, rather the Iraqi heroic Resistance is being fought by almost every body except some honorable people from our Arab homeland. As you said, all the Resistance' movements in the world were helped except this honorable Iraqi Resistance whom the Lord gave us as a gift. But let me tell you! Thanks God, the Iraqi Resistance is a hundred per cent Iraqi, i.e., it is Iraqi by its combat and is Iraqi by its funding. The Jihadi factions fund themselves by themselves relying on the great arms and ammunitions' stocks provided by the patriotic Iraqi State before the occupation, and which are now within the hands of our hero Mujahideen and enable us to fighting the enemy for ever.. and to inflicting the US invaders formidable losses. Allow me here to ascertain that the Iraqi people is the only nourishing breast of its patriotic heroic Resistance and its only financial backer, and the Iraqi Resistance is, as the Supreme Commander for Jihad and Liberation once said, is Iraqi bred and is Iraqi funded. That is why, our Resistance is blessed by the Lord.
Question: You said some days ago, that you are negotiating with other Resistance parties and formations. Can you tell us about the nature of these talks, heir aims? Have you reached any conclusions or results?
Dr. Kanaan: Since the inception of the Supreme Command a year ago, and which included 22 fundamental Jihadi factions within the patriotic, national and Islamic Resistance, you can find every community and groups of the great Iraqi people, be Arabs, Kurds, Turkomen, Muslims, Christians, Shia and Sunnis. These factions have made known their Combat Jihadi program and ascertained their readiness to talk with every Jihadi faction in the field and with every militant forces which reject the Occupation to expel the invaders and liberate the homeland on a positive and open minded fraternal and sincere spirit basis to achieve the will of the Iraqi to liberate our country from the Occupiers and their servile puppets.
Since then, we intensified our efforts to unify the ranks with all the factions, and all the combat Fronts individually and as groups. These negotiations aim at fastening the victory and expelling the Occupier.. What we want is the unity of the combating forces, this unity which irritates the Occupier and terrifies him and rejoices the heart of every honorable and pure patriot.
We, in the Jihad and Liberation' Supreme Command, we are aware, that these negotiations should serve our Faith, and the Homeland and must satisfy the will of the Iraqis. Thanks God, there is a real awareness of the Jihadi combating factions which are fighting the US enemy for a unified Jihadi action. We hope that these negotiations will be, soon, crowned with success for the benefits of all Iraqis, Arabs and Muslims.
Question: We hear from time to time that there are negotiations between the Resistance factions and the US, some are direct, and others are through mediators. Is that true? I these were leaks why don't you answer either by confirming or denying this news?
Dr. Kanaan: The High Command for Jihad and Liberation has made it clear since its first fundamental Congress its commitment to the sacrosanct inalterable conditions which are the only basis for any negotiations with the enemy. These conditions are the rights of Iraq and Iraqis. No body, absolutely, no one can desist from the right of Iraq and of Iraqis.. There will be absolutely no negotiation with the occupier-enemy unless he recognizes the patriotic Resistance with all its patriotic, national and Islamic factions and with all its armed and unarmed formations as the only and sole representative of Iraq and of its generous people. Also, the US enemy should declare officially and publicly that he is withdrawing from Iraq without any condition or restrictions either through an immediate withdrawal or through a timed plan, his commitments to compensate Iraq, for all our homeland endured materially and morally and cancel every laws and bills produced after the Occupation, liberate all the detainees, the political prisoners, and stop raiding homes, killing the innocent; destroying and displacing people by force, and must re establish the patriotic Iraqi army and the security services according to their laws and organization plus other conditions published by the Fundamental Congress en rapport to the rights of Iraq and of Iraqis.
We ascertain that these conditions are inalterable and we do comprehend that the loathed enemy, known for his wickedness and ruse, tries with every mean to prevail on the heroic patriotic Resistance, deform its reputation through such leaks and lies… Considerer! This patriotic heroic Resistance was able with its terrible blows to break the enemy backbone and wreck its occupational project.
For this reason, we are aware that any negotiation with the Occupier, before time will serve him and his stooges. These Media leaks are one of the US traps that lured some short vision and blind people. I seize this occasion to confirm that the Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation has not neogitated and will never undertake any negotiations with the occupier-enemy unless according to the declared conditions and shall not utter an iota to change these conditions. The will of the Iraqis and their Jihadi and patriotic factions are able to make the enemy kneel and answer their patriotic requirements and has achieved a long way to attain this objective, and what is remaining is the decisive phase which is looming by the will of the Lord.
Question: Is your Media efforts equal and goes hand in hand with the military operations against the Occupier, and as you know the information is fifty per cent of the battle?
Dr. Kanaan: Let me tell you frankly that the Media blockade endured by the patriotic, national, and Islamic Resistance represented by our Jihadi Leadership (JLSC) is huge. Our enemy has mobilized all his capabilities, his propaganda' tools and lies' trumpets. He tries with all his propaganda tools to deform the beautiful face of our heroic patriotic Resistance. Nevertheless, and despite all this, we were able thanks God, to breach this wall with our own means and initiatives. In any case you know that reaching the Media tools, now, and specially the audiovisual, is not at all an easy task for the enemy controls with his formidable capabilities and material means all these TV channels etc.
I do agree with you, that our Media efforts don't converge with our combat operations in the field which the occupier enemy knows pretty well before our friends. Indeed! The military results after more than five years of heroic operations against the occupation forces are now well known for every one and we can sum them with the failure of the US project in Iraq, where thousands of the enemy personnel were killed, maimed and, and where thousands of his military equipment were destroyed, through combat operations such as snipers, IEDs, rockets' attacks and military confrontation.
Unfortunately this military effort was not publicized enough due to the US' control over the Media sites. as I said! Despite all this we didn't neglect this in our military operations against the enemy. As you have witnessed, our Jihad factions record all their combat operations through films and written documents on CDs we distribute inside Iraq. Some times we do succeed into showing some of our combat operations in one or two satellite's channels in amongst the hundreds that exist. From the very beginning, we, in the Jihad and Liberation Supreme Command we have granted the Media a great importance and we have established a Media committee in charge of documenting all the Jihadi operations. So far, we have issued two publications on our Jihadi operations with CDs showing some distinguished and outstanding combat activities against the US Occupier and we are about to publish another one which shows the latest' Mujahideen operations against the US occupier.
Question: The US Media claims from time to time and through its Arabic speaking channels, local and regional, many lies and calumnies regarding the person of Mr. Izzat Al Duri, announcing times and again his death. What do you say about that?
Dr. Kanaan: The Chief of the Mujahideen Izzat Al Duri is in a very good health and enjoys the highest moral because of his faith and his combat ability to confront the loathed US Occupier. This indeed rejoices every believer in God and irritates every infidel, puppets and homeland' traitor. The Resistance on every inch of the soil of Iraq, has made the US occupier and his stooges, go berserk and loose their mind. Despite these plots, lies and conspiracies, Izzat al Duri stayed steadfast, resolved and unflinching.
Our Leader is amongst his brother combatants on every honorable combat arena that he plans, commands and leads daily. His latest audio message was a slap in the face of those wicked who hate Iraq and a shock for the enemy who despite his might, was not able to prevent the voice of the truth from reaching the hearts and minds of the believers Mujahideen.
Question: Your leadership started to document its combat operations against the US occupying forces through many CDs. This is a good thing! It is however, very difficult for the public to see any of these. So tell us how can we get these CDs?
Dr. Kanaan: As explained previously, the Information Committee in the Jihad and Liberation' Supreme Command has set a Media plan to document every Jihadi combat operation and those of the factions which work with us. Yes, there are different approaches in between these factions concerning this question. Take for example the Information Committee of the Naqshabandi Order. They prints tens of thousands of CDs which show their operations against the US occupier and distribute them to every Jihadi factions and to the public inside Iraq and sometimes outside the country. This is also the case of the Murabiteen's Army, the Companions' Army, and the Brigades of Glory. We also about to publish these operations on the (JLSC)' Internet site and those of the Armies, the factions and the Brigades which work with us, our site is visited by hundreds of thousands of people, and you can take a look yourself on these Jihadi sites and specially the High Command's and the Naqshabandi' order's, the Murabiteen's or the Companions'.
Question: What we have seen didn't actually quench our curiosity.. for we were not allowed to use our cameras.. We do understand the security conditions and the ferocious US occupier behavior.. Are you going to invite us again?
Dr. Kanaan: In fact we do care about our Mujahideen combatants' security and about your security too. As you know the wicked US occupier tries his best to reach them, mobilizing for the purpose many traitors who sold their souls and honor with a handful of dollars. For this reason we took strict security decisions to wreck these US enemy attempts against our Jihad factions. We realize, that taking photos is a necessity in our fight against this loathed US occupier. We promise to provide you with the photos of your visit, after the liberation of Iraq, God willing, which is very soon, and that your brothers Mujahideen filmed with their own cameras. They did record the operations against the US occupiers you witnessed with your eyes proper, and we will be delighted to welcome you again and whenever you like in the near future.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
By Ibrahim Ebeid, New York December 3, 2008
The Iraqi prisoners of war in U.S. occupation jails in Iraq are being exposed to torture, lynching and assassination at the hands of the reactionary sectarian “Criminal Court”. This Court was created by the United States of America to kill the legitimate Leadership of Iraq and pave the way for dividing Iraq and erasing its Arab identity. In order to seize control over it and steal its resources, the occupiers had to distort its history and create puppet entities to serve its bidding.
The so-called Criminal Court headed by criminal sectarian individuals such as the presiding judge Mohammed Al Uraybi passed death sentences against several leaders, among them Ali Al-Majid and Abdul Ghani Abdul Ghafoor. Other sentences, varying from fifteen years to life imprisonment, were passed against several civilian and military leaders who were part of the legal Government of Martyr Saddam Hussein, who led the building of Iraq into the most advanced country in the area.
As the cowardly judge, who does not dare to leave the four square miles of the Occupation headquarters "Green Zone", read out the assassination order delivered to him by his masters, the leaders were well composed, proud and courageous. Mr. Abdul Ghafoor interrupted the judge. He proudly chanted slogans glorifying the Arabs and Islam and saluted the Jihad liberation fighters, welcoming martyrdom for Iraq. In a defiant and dignified manner, he shouted "Death to the U.S. and Persian occupation. Death to the traitors. Long live Iraq, the Arabs and Islam."
The trial has nothing to do with the political events of 1991, when criminal sectarian parties came from Iran, under the supervision of the mullahs and their officers, to murder Iraqis and to destabilize the country. Most of those who attended the court as witnesses using false testimony, are members of the organizations who took part in these events, who committed crimes of mass murder, robbery, mass rape, the burning of state institutions and other atrocities. These sectarian organizations are now the rulers of Iraq under occupation supervision and domination.
Mr. Abdul Ghani Abdul Ghafoor is an honorable man. He was in charge of the south and it was his duty to protect the population and the government institutions. He had to stop the mass murder and the atrocities of the criminals. Unlike his present “accusers”, he rejected the course of betrayal of his people and his country, which would have been destroyed and would have succumbed to the mullahs of Persia.
Those sentenced to be lynched for the Halabjah Gassing are true heroes, and I salute the bravery of General Ali Al Majid, whom I have known as a valiant man who defended his home land against the Persian and American invasions. He and Iraq have nothing to do with the Halabjah incident, and none of the Iraqi officials committed any crime against that town and its people.
Stephen C. Pelletiere, author of ''Iraq and the International Oil System: Why America Went to War in the Persian Gulf'', wrote a brilliant article about Halabjah in which he was not surprised that President Bush lacked even “smoking-gun” evidence of Iraq's falsely alleged possession of weapons of mass destruction.. Mr. Pelletiere revealed to the World that all we know for certain is that Kurds were bombarded with poison gas that day at Halbajah. It cannot be said that Iraqi chemical weapons killed the Kurds. This is not the only distortion in the Halabjah story.
The accusation that Iraq has used chemical weapons against its citizens is a familiar part litany of falsehoods recited by the Bush administration as pretexts for invading Iraq. The piece of hard evidence most frequently brought up concerns the gassing of Iraqi Kurds at the town of Halbajah in March 1988, near the end of the eight-year Iran-Iraq war. President Bush himself has cited Iraq's "gassing its own people," specifically at Halbajah, as a reason to topple Saddam Hussein.
Stephen Pelletiere is in a position to know because, as the Central Intelligence Agency's senior political analyst on Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, and as a professor at the Army War College from 1988 to 2000, he said I was privy to much of the classified material that flowed through Washington having to do with the Persian Gulf. In addition, he headed a 1991 Army investigation into how the Iraqis would fight a war against the United States; the classified version of the report going into great detail on the Halbajah affair.
Immediately after the battle, the United States Defense Intelligence Agency investigated and produced a classified report, which it circulated within the intelligence community on a need-to-know basis. That study asserted that it was Iranian gas that killed the Kurds, not Iraqi gas or other substances.
The condition of the dead Kurds' bodies, however, indicated they had been killed with a blood agent -- that is, a cyanide-based gas -- which Iran was known to use. The Iraqis, who are thought to have used mustard gas during the course of the hostilities, are not known to have possessed blood agents at the time.
These were some of the facts as stated by Professor Pelletiere that put the lie to what the Bush Administration, the Media and even the “Antiwar Movement” claim. Bush and his Administration lied to the American people and duped America to launch a war of destruction and mass murder against Iraq and its people.
The Arab Ba'ath Socialist Party government built a very advanced country, with many dams and huge irrigation systems that made Iraq self sufficient in agriculture. Petrochemical projects were developed, the healthcare system was the best in the area, and unemployment negligible. Water and electricity reached to furthest points of Iraq. Iraq became the Jewel of the Arab Homeland. Iraq was strong and kept the Imperialists at bay, struggling to achieve and maintain self-determination and promoting the welfare of the people. A united, developed and strong Iraq under the Ba’ath infuriated America and its Zionist allies, prompting the subsequent invasion and occupation. The Ba’ath and Iraq had to be destroyed to facilitate the control of Iraqi wealth and natural resources, particularly oil. Iraqi leaders had to be assassinated under verdicts reached by puppet Kangaroo Courts.
The US agenda for Iraq has burned America and its people. Thousands of Americans have died in this atrocious war and hundreds of thousands have been wounded or maimed for life. The American economy is in shambles and the country is on the verge of bankruptcy. Homelessness is on the rise especially among the veterans who were sent to fight a war not in their interest. More than a million and a half of Iraqis died since the occupation and Iraq is in ruins, but the Baath and the Resistance are alive and well. Iraq will be liberated and America's arrogance will be defeated. Iraq is a very fertile land, fully capable and forthcoming in producing leaders like the Supreme Martyr Saddam Hussein and his comrades to lead the way to the liberation of their homeland.
Isn't it long past time to release all the Iraqi political prisoners, and put a stop to the courts of death created by the US occupation, along with the Persians, which have been murdering the Iraqi leadership and people?
Shame on the so-called US "Anti War Movement" and on the falsely titled “Human Rights” Organizations for their deafening silence.
Americans, is your conscience dead?
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Army of Companions destroys another US Hummer

With the aid of Allah, a battalion of the Army of the Companions (may Allah be pleased with them) detonated two explosive devices as a US convoy passed destroying one hummer and damaging another, killing all within the first and injuring those in the second at midnight on Tuesday in the province of at-Tamim.
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar.
The Information Office of the Army of Sahaba
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
US Hummer Destroyed by Army of Sahaba
Allah aided and enabled the battalions of martyrs and heroes within the Army of the Chosen (may Allah be pleased with them) as an explosive device planted destroyed a U.S. Humvee and killing all Crusaders within on midnight on Thursday in the Riyadh region.
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
Allahu Akbar
The Information Office of the Army of Sahaba
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Palestinian Resistance fires mortars and injures occupiers
AAMB: Resistance fires mortar shells at military base and injures six occupation soldiers
The Brigades said at the news conference that they had launched five 80mm mortar rounds at 9 pm Friday at the Nahal Oz military site, causing direct harm to the military site and injury to six occupation soldiers, including one serious casualty. The Briades stated that this resistance operation is part of our natural response to the occupation and its massacres and crimes against our people, and its continued targeting and killing of our people and our fighters.
The Brigades announced at the conference that they had also launched 80mm mortar shells at a military post east of Bureij. They emphasized that no "calm" would prevent the resistance from responding to the crimes of the occupation, and stated that they will not allow the enemy to massacre our people without a response.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Leila Khaled: The entire Palestinian people and Arab nation must unite for the right to return
She made these statements at the Arab and International Forum on the Right of Return in Damascus, Syria, on November 25, 2008, noting that the right of return is the key to the resolution of the Palestinian issue, and that without the return, all so-called negotiations and agreements are pointless. She drew particular attention to the Palestinian internal division, stating that this division is like a dagger in the side of our cause and a roadblock in the face of the national project of the Palestinian people.
Comrade Khaled emphasized that the right of return faces serious challenges today, from settlements, closure, isolation, Judaization and Zionisation programs and mass imprisonment and arrests, and called for upholding the resistance that has been proven successful in expelling occupation in Lebanon and throughout the Arab world. She noted that any attempt to destroy our right to return is doomed to failure and that it is our human right and our right under international law, and that conspiracies and programs designed to undermine our rights will indeed fail in the face of popualr mobilization.
Comrade Khaled said that "The Palestinian struggle and the Arab struggle for freedom, despite displacement and settlement projects, will win our right to return, and through unity, struggle and armed resistance we will obtain our rights and all of our rights as Arab people, and our rights as humans, to be free, to return, and to live as free people with self-determination."
Taher: Resistance can defeat Israel
Comrade Taher spoke at a forum organized by the Syrian Social Nationalist Party in the Yarmouk refugee camp south of Damascus, marking 76 years of its foundation, on November 25, 2008. He called for all efforts to be exerted to reunify the Palestinian situation, urging that in the face of efforts to destroy the Palestinian cause and undermine Palestinian rights, such work is particularly critical.
Comrade Taher said further that, "We have seen for 15 years what has come from the 'opportunity' of the Authority in the negotiations with the enemy - 11,000 Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, including half of the members of the National Council." He called upon the Palestinian leadership, particularly Fateh and Hamas, to place the Palestinian interest above narrow interests.
"The defeat of Israel has become a realistic possibility, especially after the victory of Hezbollah and the Lebanese people in the war in July 2006 and the role of the Iraqi resistance that led to the defeat of Blair, the former British prime minister, and U.S. president Bush." Comrade Taher said.
He further demanded the release of Comrade Ahmad Sa'adat, General Secretary of the PFLP, from Israeli jails, stressing the importance of his leadership and struggle in the Palestinian national cause.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Report from Hassan al-Askari Brigade
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Ahmad Sa'adat: Arab countries must break the siege on our people
He also called upon all Palestinian factions and forces to overcome internal division and begin comprehensive national dialogue in earnest, in order to confront the occupation and protect our cause and our people.
Comrade Sa'adat issued these statements during a meeting with attorney Buthaina Duqmaq, president of the Mandela Foundation on November 27, 2008, at Hadarim Prison. He also sent greetings and salutes to our people on the International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, which is commemorated on November 29, celebrating their determination to endure in the face of continued aggression against Palestinian existence and national identity.
Comrade Sa'adat said, "We pay tribute to the steadfastness of our people in Gaza in the face of the barbaric siege, and at the same time, we salute all of the international and popular Arab solidarity with our people in confronting the siege and demanding an end to the blockade, particularly the efforts to physically break the siege, and all of the parliamentarians who supported this work and expressed their support for our people and their just struggle for independence and freedom."
He called upon Arab foreign ministers and the Arab League to take action to break the siege on our people and to open the Rafah crossing without any conditions upon our people immediately.
Comrade Sa'adat further called upon the leadership of the Palestine Liberation Organization, particularly Mahmoud Abbas, to cease and prevent use of the PLO as a weapon in or to strengthen the internal Palestinian division, which only endangers the role of the PLO as a reference for our people and a framework for unity of our people at home and abroad. He called instead to implement the Cairo agreement of 2005 to rebuild the PLO and bring in all Palestinian forces and hold elections for a new Palestinian National Council that will reinforce and reestablish its position as the sole legitimate representative of our people and as a tool for the maintenance of unity and upholding our national objectives, primarily the right to return, the core of our national cause.
He called upon all Palestinian factions, and particularly Hamas and Fateh, to raise their level of responsibility and overcome all obstacles and work toward national unity, beginning with the release of all political detainees. He emphasized further that it is critical to move away from the state of division and uphold national unity that rejects any external interference in Palestinian affairs.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades continue Resistance against Zionist settlements
The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, shelled the settlement of Sderot on November 20, 2008 at 6:45 am with a developed Sumoud rocket.
AAMB also announced that it, along with the Nasser Salah-a-Din Brigades of the Popular Resistance Committees, launched a developed rocket at occupied Asqelan at 6:40 PM on Wednesday, November 19, 2008. AAMB also shelled the settlement of Kfar Azza with three developed Sumoud rockets at 3 PM on November 19.
On Tuesday, November 18, in a joint operation with the Nasser Salah-a-Din Brigades, AAMB shelled the settlement of Sderot with two developed Sumoud rockets. Earlier on Tuesday, AAMB noted occupation military activity east of Beit Hanoun at 4:15 PM and engaged in clashes with the occupation forces at that time.
On November 17, 2008, AAMB fired a developed Sumoud rocket at the settlement of Sderot at 11:30 PM.
In statements, AAMB emphasized their commitment to continue the resistance and the defense of our people, stressing that resistance is our option to respond to the ongoing crimes of the occupation against our people, and stating that the crimes against our people will be met only by continued and increased resistance.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Socialism and Liberation: The only future for the World
by Malik Abu Bakr and Omar al-Hakim
As the fabric of the world economy begins to unravel, it is clear the victory of the Iraqi Resistance may sound the death knoll for Capitalism and Western Imperialism. In 2003, President Bush, Prime Minister Blair and other Imperialists lauded that their Imperialism would last forever and Iraq would be the first step towards the New World Order they had planned. Now, nearing 2009, the Western economies have come to their worst situation in 70 years, their Imperialist dreams are being shattered and they must scramble to find solutions to their problems.
There is no simple solution to the problems facing the West. Their very economies rest on Imperialist expansion, dominating and controlling other regions of the world. With the Bolivarian movement led by Hugo Chavez and Arab Venezuela, South America has declared its independence from US-Imperialism. US Imperialism and its lackeys are now defeated in Somalia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Lebanon and they will meet the same end in Palestine. Capitalism itself has failed the West, for the West to have any future, they must abandon their failed systems.
Imperialism must be abandoned and countries given the chance to develop according to their own desires, they must be given complete and total independence. Capitalism must be abandoned and the people given some of the proceeds of their labour. This crisis is nothing except the inevitable result of Imperialism and Capitalism. As further countries seek independence, it forces the US to act with more force, further sinking itself.
The countries which have avoided this crisis are the Socialist countries of South America alongside Cuba and the Socialist countries of Asia. In 1991, by the will of Allah, the Soviet empire was struck down and collapsed due to its own nature. Communism was not the answer to Capitalism, nor is any system which denies the culture, heritage and some degree of property of the people within it. Socialism is the answer to Capitalism and the only system ensuring fairness as it is the only system which does not use poverty, starvation and other methods as weapons. Despite the claims of the West, history did not end in 1991, but their ignorance has led them to their end.
The Western countries in Europe and the United States must now decide if they want to continue their ways or be destroyed. Europe and the United States must heed their warnings or they will fall as all of the past Empires which sought domination have fallen. They are no more mighty than Pharaoh and their end shall be no different. All countries now stand warned and should adopt Socialism for their own Liberation and all Imperialist powers must cease aggression, for if they do not, a chastisement awaits them.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Release from Jaish Sa'ad ibn Abi Waqqas
Download Links:
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
More Operations from the Campaign
IED from Jaish al-Mujahideen:
Monday, November 17, 2008
A statement of the Preparatory Committee for the commemoration of the Murder of the leader Martyr Saddam Hussein
A statement of the Preparatory Committee for the commemoration of the Murder of the leader Martyr Saddam Hussein
The Preparatory Committee for the commemoration of the murder of the modern times martyrs' master, leader martyr Saddam Hussein, calls upon all the Iraqi and Arab militants to give and propose their suggestions concerning the celebration of this event, in order to organize them in a unified program celebrated worldwide.
The Preparatory Committee would like to insist, that these celebrations come at a time when the armed Iraqi Resistance is growing, intensifying, strengthening its presence and inflicting the US occupation formidable defeats despite all the wicked ways and means the US occupiers use to conceal and hide their losses. The Iraqi Resistance has achieved a formidable victory over the Occupiers, leading the US towards the brink of collapse, bleeding it to death materially and humanly. This will force the gates wide open to the decisive victory.
Your detailed suggestions concerning this central patriotic event in every country are important so as to go hand in hand with the great successes undertaken by the Baath and the Iraqi Resistance with all its factions in order to defeat the enemy plans and to continue the march on leader Martyr Saddam Hussein's path which is the path of the utter liberation of Iraq to expel the US Occupation.
The Committee suggests the following:
1 - Organize in an Arab or a foreign country a wide popular meeting to celebrate this anniversary.
2 - In case there is no possibility to organize such a meeting, a small gathering of elite will suffice.
3 - Print and distribute prospectuses, brochures and posters in public places or celebrations' premises and halls.
4 - Invite large numbers of political parties and diverse forces, known personalities from every scope... The celebration should be a public patriotic event and not a private partisan.
5 - Insist in the speeches and in the distributed brochures on the unity of the Resistance' factions as the best way towards the liberation of Iraq.
6 - Encourage Arab and Iraqi citizens living in foreign countries to participate in these events in an active way.
The Preparatory Committee's Coordinator
Salah al Mukhtar
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Is the Separation of Kurdistan led by Barzani and Hamid Jaffar?
Is the Separation of Kurdistan led by Barzani and Hamid Jaffar?
Brothers in Jihad and Resistance, we have enemies in the open and other ones who operate in the shadows and the devious nature of our enemies is what is always to be expected.
The war is to steal the oil; the generals said that, the politicians and even the Zionists. Bremer arrived first and stole billions of dollars in cash. Just as other thieves stole over 130,000 pieces of artifacts, and then came the Kurds, who transported the factories of our armed forces and all the weapons to Persia, all this was witnessed by the Iraqis, readers all around the world, and even the blind!
As for the thieves who destroyed from behind the shadows, they always reach a level where they uncover themselves, when they help occupying forces to achieve their plans, our people and their resistance will reveal his plans, for they are more dangerous than the ones who operate in broad daylight.
If we leave these thieves for a moment, and direct our attention to the Northern provinces, will find the results that were handed over to us by our brothers, in the Iraqi Resistance Information Desk these results reveal the principles followed by the Kurdish militias:
1- The independence of Kurdistan can only occur after the destruction of Iraq by the help of foreign forces.
2- The establishment of greater Kurdistan can only occur after the destruction of Turkey, also by the help of foreign forces.
3- The re-establishment of an Iraqi Arab army is considered a prime danger to Kurdish separatist parties.
4- All previous agreements with governments in Baghdad are considered temporary arrangements. All agreements with the Persians, the English, and the Zionists are to be respected in the short and long-term, even if some stages of implementation is delayed.
But what are the ideals of Iraqis after the occupation has been defeated:
1- Massood Barazani, is like his father. All we have to look at, are the memoirs of his assistant, Mahmoud Othman, on one of his numerous visits to Tel Aviv. He once confirmed that separation is inevitable after the control of Kirkuk, Half of Mosul, Diala, & Even Kut.
2- The US Admin. & the English, created Kurdistan. They have prevented the Turkish army and their government from defending Turkey in preparation to weaken that state. The attacks the Turkish Army is carrying out are purely cosmetic.
3- Kurdistan will never exist as a separate state, unless it was supported economically and by oil by the occupiers.
4- The occupation has found a leading financier who operates in the dark, who aids Barazani implement his plan, a man who was Iraqi, by the name Hamid Dhia Jaffar, a man who operates efficiently, even more than Barzani and the Peshmergas Militia. And he's proud of what he's doing, after he pulled behind him those who are greedy as well as other regional governments, companies and Banks.
What has he done to reinforce separatism? Let us together summarize his actions, planned from the cities Amman, London, and Arbil.
It is known, that he is a close friend of Ayad Allawi, and their meetings before and after the occupation in Amman and London were numerous. After the occupation, he managed to sign a contract to manage Iraq's Ports from Allawi's government. But it was soon canceled after the Persian militias managed to control Basra, and close all of Allawi's offices there.
He managed to convince the government of Norway, to introduce a company by the name DNO oil to sign a contract with the government of Kurdistan, without the approval of the Baghdad government, he then fulfilled his part of the contract by supplying and installing a new Chinese drilling platform, in the return for a share in the gas production, as for the oil that was found in “Towkey” field, that will be divided between Norway and the Kurdish Parties.
The aim is clear, it is setting the first building blocks of separation and the providing of economic and financial power for the separatist regions.
In September of 2005, Hamid Jaffar, signed a contract as “Crescent oil” with the Iraqi oil exploration company to prepare studies regarding the oil fields on the so-called Iraqi Kuwaiti border.
On the 16th April 2007, he signed a major agreement with the president of Kurdistan Neshervan Barazani, with another of his companies Dana Gas, along with its partner Crescent Petroleum, which is managed by his sons Majid and Badr, to develop the gas fields of “Khormoor”, which was closed after the war of 1991, also the field of “Chamchamal”, to provide fuel for Kurdish electricity plants in Arbil and Sulaimaniah. And he guaranteed during a speech, that he will bring companies from the UAE to develop strategic projects in Kurdistan under the initial value of $650 million dollars.
On 22nd of November 2008 this man opened a branch of his Company, Dana Gas in Sulaimaniah.
On the 5th of July 2008, he leased an Antonov transport aircraft to deliver critical gas plant components all the way from Houston in the US to Arbil in Iraq direct.
On the 10th of July 2008, he established a partnership between Crescent oil and a Turkish company called “Turkler” to form a new company by the name “Ingy Gas” which will market exported gas from the north and carry out the exports through Turkish territory.
On the 30th of June 2008, he declared that he received a large part of land from the Kurdistan government sizing up to 46 km² to construct Kurdistan city of gas, an industrial area at the cost of US$3 billion in infrastructure that will attract $40 billion of investments from the UAE and other foreign countries.
During the month of June 2008 he also signed a contract with a company called “Icarus” based in Kuwait for the joint exploration of oil and gas.
On the 20th of July 2008, Hamid and Barzani met and declared that gas production will begin at the end of 2008 with the capacity of 300,000 cubic feet; this will provide electricity stations in Arbil and Sulaimaniah which produce 1250 MW using a pipeline extending 180 km. They also declared that they will construct Kurdistan city of gas worth $500 million in this project will free $2 billion worth of expenses currently used to purchase fuel from areas.
He then went on to declare on 5th of September 2008 that production has started, and to complete the project he has spent $650 million to provide 50,000 tons of equipment on pipelines that were loaded on a total of 2300 trucks that entered Iraq from Turkey.
On the 5th of October 2008, he succeeded in arranging a seminar about Oil, sponsored by the Oil Council of the Emirates of Sharjah in the UAE, which welcomed 12 members of the oil and gas council and the puppet parliament of Iraq and verbal agreements were made, on the dining table of Sharjah’s sheikh, who knows nothing of the true extent of Hamid's Plan.
There are many points we have chosen to leave for now as they are numerous, but after giving you a summary of this man's work in the dark, and his keen ambition to develop multi-billion-dollar oil projects that will lead to separatism and favoritism to Kurdish militia leaders and the occupiers; a man who is no less dangerous than those who came in with the occupiers and made occupation easy, by assisting the occupiers and prolonging their stay without having the enemy treasury bare the cost of this occupation.
The Zionists have built the airport of Arbil with Barzani, and there are cities and camps being built for the American troops and the Resistance knows their positions very well, all these camps require diesel and gas & Hamid Jaffar is providing this with funds from the UAE. How was this possible??
It is impossible for a normal man to become a financial dinosaur in days, it is only possible with the assistance of those who program his moves of American and British advisers, and if this dreamer, along with his partners calculate the profits of stealing Iraq wealth; then do they measure the effect and negative impact of funding the Peshmergas Militia with weapons that divide the North, and killing innocent Iraqis and Mosul and other Provinces ??
What does Rafidan say?
If Hameed seeks wealth, then the income of his publicly liable companies is divided equally amongst the shareholders, unless he is stealing some without them knowing, why then does he risk ruining the reputation of himself and his family?
If this is part of the arrangement with the Americans not to imprison his brother, then we ask is his brother worth three provinces and the lives of hundreds of thousands of Iraqis?
And if he says he is a foreigner, then we must try him as a criminal who plotted the division of Iraq & the killing of its people financially, didn't the allies try the German finance minister for preparing his country's economy for war?
And if he says he is Iraqi, then we should try him as a traitor & numerous times!
And if he says he regrets what he has done, then he must first support the Iraqi resistance financially, and then halt all of his projects & activities in Iraq, and in broad daylight for all to see, and it is very easy for us to confirm that.
Finally, we wish to remind him to explain to us, why he is supporting Barzani and his partners whom he knows well, that they have participated in the occupation of Iraq and the building of US bases, Barazani also supports the signing of a long-term plan for US presence in Iraq. Is it possible that Hamid does not know that the occupation has killed over 1 million Iraqis, created 5 million refugees, orphaned 1 million of our children, and widowed over 1 million of our women?
The political committee
Baghdad - the Republic of Iraq
on the 18th of Shawal 1429 H
18 October 2008
Saturday, November 15, 2008
The Righteous Campaign Against the Convention Will End This Occupation
by Malik Abu Bakr and Omar al-Hakim
The Convention to come to an agreement which will legally allow US and other Imperialist presence to continue in Iraq is a crime and one which the call has been sounded against.
Answering the call to end the occupation now and push the Crusaders and Zionists out of the Land of the Two Rivers forever are:
1. Army of Men of the Naqshbandi Order
2. Army of the Chosen
3. General Command of the Armed Forces
4. Jaish al-Mujahideen
5. Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas-Iraq)
6. Islamic Front for the Iraqi Resistance (JAMI)
7. Army of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal
8. Jaish al-Mujahideen al-Murabiteen
9. Soldiers of Monotheism Brigades
10. 1920 Revolution Brigades
11. Army of the Righteous
12. Army of Muslims
13. Islamic Movement of Iraq's Mujahideen
14. Ansar al-Sunnah (Sharia)
15. Brigades of the Beneficent
16. Empowerment Brigades
17. Battalions of Muhammad the Conquerer
18. Islamic Army in Iraq
It is obviously assumed that more will join and that the rest of the Patriotic, Islamic and National resistance will join as well including the rest of the Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation. This campaign so far looks to combine all elements who have fought against the Occupation and will now stand against the treasonous agreement. The Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation is known as a group which has always stood against the occupation since the day of its foundation and in its roots before the occupation as the legitimate government of Iraq, there is also the Change and Jihad Front led by the 1920 Revolution Brigades, as well as the Political Council for the Iraqi Resistance, the Army of Imam Ahmed ibn Hanbal and others. While many of these groups may not have agreed on tactics in the past, all of them have fought to end the occupation in whatever ways they saw fit. This Campaign brings all major sections of the Resistance together and so the Occupation cannot last long.
Filmed Operations so far from this Campaign:
Attack on Supply Convoy in Salah ad-Din Province:
Attack on Supply Convoy in Anbar Province:
Photage of a Downed UAV
Destruction of Hummer in southern Baghdad:
General Command of the Armed Forces destroys a Hummer in Kirkuk:
Mortar Attack on al-Bakr Air Base:
More Mortar Attacks:
Launching Missles at US Position in Baghdad:
Friday, November 14, 2008
Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades Bombards the Occupier

Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine
AAMB bombards the occupier with resistance following murderous assault on Gaza
The Abu Ali Mustafa Brigades, the armed wing of the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine, announced several resistance operations on November 5, 2008, coming on the heels of the occupier's murderous attack upon Gaza.On November 5, at 5:30 PM, AAMB announced that it fired two developed Sumoud rockets at the settlement of Sderot and the western Naqab. At 10:35 AM, it announced that it fired two developed Sumoud rockets at occupied Asqelan.
At 7:30 AM, AAMB fired two Sumoud rockets at Sderot, and also fired three mortar shells at Kfar Azza at 8:00 AM. With a group of other resistance forces, AAMB fired four 90mm mortar rounds at 10:25 AM at the military site east of the martyrs cemetary in Jabaliya, and fired three developed Sumoud missiles at another military garrison and airstrip at 12:30 PM.
AAMB noted that this is part of the continuing response to the occupiers' crimes against our people and the collective response of the resistance to those crimes, stating that the crimes of the occupier will not pass without punishment and that the resistance will continue as long as the occupation remains on our land. AAMB reiterated that it was in full readiness to repeal any Zionist aggression against our people.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Some Operations from October
3/10/2008 - Detonated an explosive device on a U.S. military convoy that resulted in the destruction of the Hummer vehicle, killing and wounding the occupants.
5/10/2008- Launched a missile strike on a U.S. barracks that hit their target, and smoke was seen rising from the target area.
5/10/2008- Bombed headquarters of the U.S. base in the Second Corps with four mortar shells and injuries were great in the target area.
7/10/2008- Detonated an explosive device on a U.S. convoy cuasing the destruction of one vehicle and wounding the occupants.
9/10/2008- Bombed headquarters of the U.S. base in Buhruz, with mortar rounds which hit the target area.
10/10/2008- A number of missiles and mortar shells fired at a U.S. barracks which hit the targets and destroyed several vehicles which were seen burning.
12/10/2008- Katyusha rockets were fired on a U.S. base targeting the communications towers which were destroyed.
15/10/2008- Fired three Katyusha rockets at a U.S. military base which hit and information shows that enemy casualties were 21 killed and wounded.
18/10/2008- Device was detonated on a convoy of occupiers wounding a number of its members.
19/10/2008- Device was detonated on a convoy of the occupiers injuring several.
21/10/2008- Detonated an explosive device on an American line consisting of a number of people and tankers. Destroyed a tanker, killing and wounding the occupants.
21/10/2008- Bombed headquarters of the U.S. base in Balad Ruz, with three mortar shells.
22/10/2008- Device was detonated on a convoy of the occupiers destroying a vehicle and killing and wounding the occupants.
24/10/2008- Bombed U.S. base in Miqdadiya, with four 82-mm mortar shells.
25/10/2008- Attacking a US barracks with 2 c5ks which hit, but losses are unknown.
27/10/2008- Device was detonated on a U.S. patrol vehicle, killing and wounding the occupants.
29/10/2008- Explosive device on a U.S. minesweeper and killing all inside and destroying the vehicle.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Anti-Aircraft Attack on US Helicopter

Army of Men of the Naqshbandi Army
Monday, November 10, 2008
By Ibrahim Ebeid,
New York- November 9-2008
When Iraq was under the Hashemite family rule the country was close to the West, especially with Britain, until the 1958 Revolution took place when Iraq established relation with the Soviet Union. But as soon as the Ba’ath took power in 1963, the relation with the West worsened because Iraq took a more independent path, economically and politically, and in 1972 the Iraq Friendship and Cooperation treaty with the Soviet Union was signed.
Since then the West, and especially the United States, were furious and started creating problems and conspiring against Iraq The preparation for war against Ba'athist Iraq was in the making.
In 1978, Carter placed Iraq on a list of states that supported terrorism. Margaret Thatcher, the British Prime Minister, and her friend President Reagan were fabricating the lies that Iraq was building the largest cannon in the world, capable of shelling Tehran and Tel Aviv. Later on the myth of the super gun took a new form, a new lie, which told that the fabled weapon was designed to fire nuclear, chemical and biological shells at US military targets in the Gulf, Middle East, Red Sea and Mediterranean, as well as targeting Kuwait, Bahrain, Turkey and Israel. This lie was circulated by DEBKA-Net-Weekly. Britain and the US adopted the lies that were spread by DEBKA-Net-Weekly. US and "Israeli" intelligence were taken aback to discover that not one, but three or four super guns, had just turned up in Iraq's arsenal. In reality, the huge special pipes were ordered by Iraq from Britain for a milk factory and for oil pipe lines.
New lies were revived about the myth of the Super gun by DEBEKA WEEKLY on January 2002 to help President Bush invade Iraq for "Israel" and for oil of course, not for "democracy." This was part of the myth of the weapons of mass destruction; the lies were exactly similar to the previous ones.
All US Presidents since Carter were viciously hostile towards Iraq and Palestine. Unfortunately, early indications show that President-elect Barack Obama is following the same pattern as his predecessors. He did not break the wall of fear and isolation; he will keep the American people living in constant fear by illustrating the Arab Liberation Forces in Iraq and Palestine as terrorists and attaching them to the myth of Al Qaeda. Already he is taking the side of the Zionists and "Israel". He will keep anti Palestinian sentiments alive to satisfy the Zionist and Jewish Lobbies. He will continue supporting the "sectarian government of the Green Zone" which his predecessor imported from Iran.
Sooner than most of us expected, he picked Joseph Biden to be his running mate. Biden a devout Zionist and supporter of "Israel", once stated on Shalom TV, "I am a Zionist; you do not have to be a Jew to be a Zionist."
Biden supports splitting Iraq into three states, a Kurdish in the North, a Sunni in the Center and Shia in the South. He supported the invasion and occupation of Iraq and now he will soon be the vice president of the US. He denies the right of the Iraqis for unity, liberation and independence.
Representative Rahm Emanuel, the son of settler colonialist terrorist in usurped Palestine was welcomed by America's Jewish community as US President-elect Barack Obama's best pick for the post of Chief of Staff. Emanuel was born in Jerusalem and was an Israeli citizen until the age of 18. I would not be surprised if he is still a citizen of the Zionist entity because a Jew is allowed to carry dual citizenship, Israeli and another one. In his case, he is an Israeli-US citizen. This prompted many Zionist leaders, in the US and in "Israel" to praise Obama. William Daroff, the director of the Washington office of the United Jewish Communities (UJC), said "Rep. Emanuel is also a good friend of Israel, coming from good Irgun stock" referring to his father who was a member of the Irgun terrorist organization that assassinated and killed Palestinians and British in Mandated Palestine in the thirties and forties.
In his visit to occupied Palestine, Obama stated that Jerusalem should not be divided but should be the eternal capital of "Israel" and like the rest of the previous US Presidents he considers the Palestinians who fight for the liberation of their land as terrorists, Also, he did not hide his agreement with the Zionist leaders by denying the Palestinians the right to return to their land from which they were expelled in 1948. At a press conference on March 2, 2008, Obama stated: "Any negotiated peace between Israelis and the Palestinians is going to have to involve the Palestinians relinquishing the right of return as it has been understood in the past."
If Mr. Obama is serious about ending the war, which I doubt, then he must recognize the Iraqi National Resistance as the legitimate representative of Iraq, and he must agree to the immediate and unconditional withdrawal. He must agree to compensate Iraq for all the damages that the fascist war caused to its people and to its infrastructure. He must disassociate himself and the United States from the sectarian government which was brought from Iran to the "Green Zone." This government is illegal and represents the interests of the Iranian and US Occupations at the same time. All political, prisoners of war and the legitimate Iraqi leadership must be released. These were some of the conditions of the Iraqi National Resistance stated in its Program for Liberation and Independence, and then he can sit down with the Resistance to facilitate the withdrawal of the troops immediately.
The possibility of Obama meeting with the Iraqi National Resistance is about as remote as Adolf Hitler receiving a posthumous award from the B'Nai Brith for humanitarian activities. In November 2005, Obama mentioned the Iraqi Resistance to the Chicago Council on Foreign Relations. He told the group, the U.S. must "contain and ultimately extinguish the insurgency in Iraq."
Sadly, the overwhelming majority of Arab-American votes went to Obama, despite his pandering to Zionist supporters and his many pro-Israel statements during the campaign. In the last poll held prior to the election, 68% of potential Arab-American voters said they would cast their ballots for Obama. They suffer from the suspension of disbelief.
One may ask, "Well, McCain was not pro-Arab, why was it such a mistake to vote for Obama?" The mistake of an Arab-American voting for Obama showed a lack of knowledge of the candidates as well as a certain amount of self-hate. Two candidates, Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney, ran fair and astute campaigns. Both called for an immediate exit from Iraq of U.S. troops and both lambasted the Democrats and Republicans for their pro-“Israel” positions. Sure, they were on the ballot as minor parties, but they did not disrespect Arabs and force them to vote against their interests. If Arab-Americans voted en masse for these candidates, they would have sent forth a strong message that their votes should not be taken for granted by two pro-Zionist candidates.
If Mr. Obama does not end the war, the United States will be defeated for sure, occupation always end up with bitter defeat and humiliation, we are witnessing the fall out in the economy and the American people are paying the price
If Mr. Obama ends the war, Americans and Iraqis would be triumphant; progress and security would come to the area and to the rest of the World, including the United States and we will hear no more of "Al Qaeda."