Thursday, October 9, 2008

Arabism is Civilization

Arabism is Civilization
Credit: Malik Abu Bakr and Omar al-Hakim

This article is necessary because many Arabs are now ignorant of their own civilizing mission; they see it as limited to only the areas that are now presently called "Arab" by the Arab League and other international bodies. Arabism is civilization, it is the very fabric of modern society and the Arab resurrection is the resurrection of civilization. It is true that we Arabs must look to resurrecting our own identity and our nation; reunifying it and moving into a new dawn, but this is not only beneficial to Arabs, but to all of mankind.

Arabism did not begin due to any foreign influence, Arabism began due to the common links of all Arabs. Arabism as a concept existed in many ancient Arab societies which took root in the Bilad al-Rafidayn, Máṣr and the Indus valley. Ever since the seed of civilization was planted; it has blossomed from Arabs to the rest of the world. The great pyramids and the learning of Maṣr led, by increasing contact through merchants, to the civilization of Greece; the great aquaducts of the Bilad al-Rafidayn led to the acquaducts of Rome and the accomplishments coming from Arab civilization led to all other civilizational projects.

This goes beyond architecture and to the foundations of society; as is common knowledge, all of the Prophets were Arab and the role they have played in delivering the message of progress and peace has endured through the ages. When the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh) spoke, he spoke to Arabs, in the Arabic language. Within 30 years after his death, the world, which was in the darkness, without literacy or anything resembling modern philosophy, science, medicine, chemistry, mathematics, etc. had already begun to become illuminated by the light of Arabism. From the Banu Umayya onward, Arabism lit the way forward. Arab philosophers and scholars dedicated themselves to discovering further and further accomplishments, leading to all modern civilization.

The stagnation and decline of the leading role of Arabs was due to foreign influence; had Arabs maintained their civilizing role and not given way to adopting foreign ways and customs, the world would be far more advanced than it is currently. The rebirth of Arabism today, and the glorious struggle and Jihad to liberate the Land of the Two Rivers, is a fight which will illuminate the world from its time of darkness. In the past 40 years, there has not been a single great advancement or accomplishment by science that has truly improved humanity's lot. In the past 20 years, half of the world has gotten poorer and it continues to. The "advanced" Nations increasingly move towards social-collapse and animalistic behaviour as their societies wither and die. The victory of the Supreme Command for Jihad and Liberation is not merely the salvation of Arabs, but by extension, the salvation of the entire world from the darkness.

Under the leadership of Comrade President Izzat Ibrahim al-Douri, we move ever-closer to a new dawn.


Obama - The Dange said...
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Malik Abu Bakr said...
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