Sunday, November 2, 2008

What is Baath Socialism?

What is Baath Socialism?
by Salah al-Mukhtar,
Translated and Abridged by Malik Abu Bakr

How do we understand Baath Socialism? Is it different from Socialism-Communism? If the answer is yes, another question arises: Where and how do we differ? Before answering these questions it becomes necessary to determine the meaning of Socialism, as it has been oft-attacked by religious movements in general.

The essence of Socialism is proposing solutions to the social problems that bedevil society, in particular, poverty resulting from sharp class differences and the consequences of poverty such as lethal diseases, illiteracy, corruption etc. all of which cause social conflicts. Socialism is the system which removes the basis of poverty and provisions basic human needs such as bread, education, medicine and other services essential to the human body for free, and for the end of social-ills.

So the Socialist State with a social responsibility to provide basic human needs in order to liberate it from all constraints on his creativity and social action and remove the evils caused by deprivation and class disparities. Thererefore, it is humane and ethical at the same time to return to his humanity and preserve human dignity and provide a proper climate, free from corruption and all diseases created by poverty, either directly or indirectly.

The key question here is whether all divine religion rejects Socialism and the desire to build social justice and remove injustice? The answer all too often depends on the stereotype set by Western circles on the basis of the Communist model of Socialism. What are these stereotypes of Socialism which have been accepted by many religious parties without scrutiny? The first manifestation of the stereotype is the image of Socialism combined with the dialectical materialist universal-philosophy of Communism which deployed with the saying "religion is the opiate of the masses"! The second stereotype is that Socialism is a system which eliminated all individual property rights and deprives ownership. Last, but not least is the stereotypical image of Socialism as beyond all national boundaries.

Are these stereotypes true Socialism? Let us deal with Baath Socialism to see how this image is unfair and incorrect.

There are three fundamental differences between the Socialism of the Socialist Baath and Marxism-Leninism, a philosophical difference (religious), disagreement over ownership and differences over national interests.

Many have tries to force links, falsesly and unjustified between the philosophical outlooks of Marxism-Leninism and their controversial materialism which denies the existence of Allah and promises religion is the opium of the people. We have dealt with historical materialism, the social philosophy of Marxism-Leninism and Socialism in terms of social history. The Baath says the continued social evils relate from class differences, however, we support Socialism from the standpoint of social justice as a religious requirement, because Allah created human beings and did not create differences of class, placing all humanity equal in value.

One manifestation of Socialism within Islam is the wealth of experiance of the Khalifahs, where wealth was divided equally amongst Muslims and there was no difference between an ordinary citizen and the Khalifah. A story of the Khalifah Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) tells of how he referred to the main source of evil in society as poverty. The Baath rejects Communist atheistic thought and asserts Socialist faith which is consistant with the teachings of Islam.

Another advantage of the Socialist Baath is that she has never denied ownership at all, but has denied ownership of an exploitive nature. In this sense, Baath Socialism reconciles between the responsibilities of public ownership to ensure justice for society and its production and services and individual property that meets the need of the natural person to own property which is one of the most important incentives for work, production and creativity in humans. To prevent individual property rights leads to inaction and the deterioration of personal creativity and weakens and disrupts the incentive to work, this is one of the most important reasons for the failure and degradation of Communism.

Last but not least, the Baath rejects Communism and it's jump over the nation for 'universality'. How can it be that even the UN was based or built? One must first have complete national unity before any sort of broader thinking unity. You cannot have the higher without the lower.

Baath Socialism is the system of social rules to provide a proper environment for the complete rights of spiritual activities without concern or pressure from financial need or a threat to human needs. A system which opens the way for individual economic activity because it is a creative catalyst for producton and compliments the role of the state in providing goods and services. Certainly, Islam is the source of the foundation of Baath Socialism, all must understand Islam correctly, so they may reach the conclusion that it is true Islam as a faith which contains Socialism.

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